The Dundas Travel Club: Documenting a Journey (2021)


Joann MacLachlan

About the Book

The Dundas Travel Club began in 1897 and met until 2020 without a pause, a claim which can be made by very few other social clubs in Canada. A group of women created an association which investigated the world and provided challenges and rewards enough to attract members year after year. COVID-19 caused a moment’s pause, but the Club found a way to carry on. This is the history of the Club, as revealed in its minutes.

Joann MacLachlan is a longstanding and dedicated DMA volunteer and a former teacher at Dundas District High School. She has been a member of the Dundas Travel Club since 2014, as was her mother before her.  While working in the archives, she discovered the handwritten minutes of the Club, and thought to transcribe them for future researchers- a project that evolved into this book. Joann describes it thus:

What follows is not a history, and not a novel. There is no beginning, no middle, and no end. There is no need to read it all and no need to read it in any particular order. I have included a great many quotations from the minutes and reports of the Dundas Travel Club to illustrate the way the group bent before the winds of change and rode the chariot of time to survive 125 years. I wanted readers to hear the story in the words of those who propelled its voyage. I am also aware that not all readers want to read such detail and would prefer to be given conclusions. 

So, the earliest constitution of the Club stands as a framework for this book. These were the rules which determined the Club’s direction and process. Most sections begin with a summary of the action; readers uninterested in names and dates may then skip to the conclusions at the end of the sections. I have no trouble with this. I often read the end of a book, even a mystery novel, and then proceed backwards through the story. I encourage you to dip into sections which are relevant or interesting. Skip the rest.”

AUTHOR: MacLachlan, Joann
ISBN: 9781999198831
PUBLISHER: Self-Published with Lavender Hill Publishers’ Services, Hamilton

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